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noun - A loser or predicted loser in a struggle or contest

The Woof Concept brand was inspired by the adoption of a French Bulldog named Pedro. Pedro was abandoned in a fishing harbour off the coast of Taiwan where he was left for dead. Similar to many neglected animals from around the globe, Pedro stood little chance to live. Building this company made us realize that we are no different and that's when the Underdog character development started to take shape and form. When we started the brand, we felt the same - People laughed at us and didn't think we stood a chance. It was from Pedro that we learnt one of the greatest lessons in Entreprenueurship - being an underdog and having that mindset pushes us to be better Every. Single. Day.

At Woof Concept, we don't care about your political views, your status, your religion or your sexual orientation because dogs never gave a damn either ... If you love dogs, you belong with our gang.

We are Woof Concept, and this character is dedicated to all the underdogs around the globe.

The Initial Sketches

The initial sketches of the underdog went through many iterations. Our team debated for a long time before we came up with the outline of the underdog.

Characteristics, Personality and Formation

We wanted a character that represented the personality of Pedro - loyal but devious, Intelligent but lazy, chubby but cool. We began experimenting with many different outfits and utilities.

Booster Booklet

In Loving Memory of Pedro

Pedro passed away peacefully and crossed the rainbow bridge on June 27th, 2022 surrounded by all his loved ones. Although he is no longer here with us but his legacy will continue to live on through the brand he helped built from the ground up.

We Love You!

Made In Canada

Each piece is handcrafted in Canada

Lifetime Warranty

Our products comes with a limited lifetime warranty

Premium Materials

Built with branded components

5% of Profits Donated

Every purchase helps an animal in need

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